How Many?

Level Aims Grammar Time Materials
elementary school and junior high school first year To practice counting, and asking "How many___ are there?" "How many...?" 20 mins Pairs of work sheets

Divide the class into pairs and distribute the pictures so that one student of each pair has sheet 'A', and the other sheet 'B'. The object of the game is to find out who has the most things in the kitchen. To do this A and B will have to ask each other how many teapots, pans, forks, knives, spoons, cups, saucers, glasses, bowls, and plates there are, and then add up the total. When they have done this, they can find out who has the most spiders!!

This activity and the accompanying worksheets have been taken from Jill Hadfield's excellent activity book Elementary Communication Games printed by Nelson Press.

Teaching Tip

Plato once said that music, "... is a more potent instrument than any other for education." Modern day Psychologists concur. Two groups of preschoolers where observed; one group took piano lessons and sang in chorus daily, the other group didn't. After eight months the musical 3-year-olds scored 80% higher than the non-musical group in spatial intelligence tests. Incorporate music into your lessons as often as possible. Use songs for 'Warm-up'; songs with key words missing or incorrect (i.e., misspelt or different words) for listening skills enhancement; snatches of song to emphasize phrases (e.g., "Have you ever been to ..." sung to the melody of "I've never been to Spain" by 3 Dog Night, or nationality pronunciation practice to the tune of each countries' National Anthem or simply at various pitches); background music to set the mood for any activity. Students will join in (and enjoy it) if you lead the way and are positive about this. DON'T be embarrassed, have FUN!!!

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